Workflow adhoc triggering

Hi, we have workflow enabled now and I was looking at it for Invoice approval process. Some days we have no invoices, and then other days we may get multiple invoices arriving.
From what I can see Workflow needs a schedule to run (daily, weekly, monthly etc), does that mean we can't trigger a workflow when we want to start an invoice approval flow, but have to wait for its scheduled start?


Best Answer

  • andrewtye
    Answer ✓

    You can select workflows as an action button from the UX which does what you want it to


  • From what I can see Workflow needs a schedule to run (daily, weekly, monthly etc), does that mean we can't trigger a workflow when we want to start an invoice approval flow, but have to wait for its scheduled start? → Not true
    Workflow can be scheduled and manually also you can trigger it.

  • Can anyone trigger them? As all the staff add invoices, so all would need to be able to trigger them?
    Could workflows be triggered through an action someday?

  • Ok thanks Andrew, will look into that.