Apply Dynamic Cell Access based on two modules

edited February 7 in Modeling


I need to add DCA to enable this functionality- I have a module (MODULE A) where budget is input by markets in a budget input line item. I have another module (MODULE B) where once the market has input the budget, they can check the boolean "Submit to HQ". Once the "Submit to HQ" boolean has been checked, the budget input line item in MODULE A needs to have only read access.

I have tried multiple methods, but nothing seems to work. Below are the screenshots froy our reference:




  • Hi
    Create write line item in you Module B
    Input Read → Use Submit Boolean as read access driver
    Input Write →IF NOT Submit Boolean THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE ( Write access driver)
    Apply submit Boolean as Read and Input write as Write in modules Access Driver.

    Hope it helps.

  • lokeshm
    edited February 7

    Hi @amalaram30,create two filter line items in the module B and refer them and use the above formulas. I have created all the line items in only one module, since it has same dimension you can replicate the same in the Module B.