Data Import from Model A to Model B


Had a query, i have data in Model A, in Revenue Module which is dimensioned by Country List, Time & KPIs as line item.

I need to import this data into Model B, in same Revenue Planning Module, which is again dimensioned by Country, List, Time & KPIs as line item. However here we have an additional plan type list: wherein user can decide if they want it to be Passive, Aggressive or Management Correction. Business plans to add more Plan types, with feature to lock.

How do i ensure when user pulls the data from Model A to Model B, i can re-direct the load into the specific plan type the user selects in model B.

The only option I see is when "select each time the import is run" however that allows user to select any plan type which may be already locked. Is there a way i can redirect the load into the specific selected plan type, prior to the load (running the action)



  • Hi @Sachinsourav02 ,

    Since Model A doesn’t have any information related to the Plan Type mappings (like Passive, Aggressive, or Management Correction), here’s an approach you can consider:

    1. Restrict Plan Type Selection Using a Subset:
      To prevent users from selecting locked plan types when using the "Select each time the import is run" option, you can create a subset of the Plan Type list that includes only the unlocked plan types. By using this subset as a dimension in your import action, it should restrict the available options to only the active (unlocked) plan types. Additionally, you can add this update action for this subset right before pulling the data from Model A in the same process to ensure it always reflects the latest status of the plan types.
    2. Two-Step Process in Model B:
      Alternatively, you can handle this by making an intermediate module:
      • Step 1: Create an intermediate module in Model B with the same dimensions as Model A (Country, Time, KPIs) to load the data using the current action.
      • Step 2: Add a line item, say "Plan Type Mapping," where users can map the data to the relevant plan type. (See if the Time and Country dimension is needed for the mapping or not else you can simply refer the input through some dimension-less module)
      • Step 3: Finally, create another action that pushes the data from this intermediate module to the final Revenue Planning Module in Model B, using the Plan Type Mapping as that additional mapping.

    Hope this helps!

  • @Prajjwal88

    Thanks for your detailed response.

    Option 1 we had tried and was ruled out since data loss. Like Plan Type if its removed from the subset the data pertaining under it would also be gone.

    Option 2 Again maybe tricky, considering plan type is user based and not centralized. Yes, there is centralized locks however user have option to load on 1 or more plan type

  • devrathahuja
    edited February 11

    Hi @Sachinsourav02 ,
    You can do 2 things here to prevent that from happening.

    A - Add a DCA to the module B which locks it for locked plans members so the user cannot overwrite using the import action.

    B - Also add a DCA to the import action which prevents the user from running the action itself when they select a locked version. You can also add a dynamic text on the dashboard as a warning message when this case happens.

    The import in the above mentioned case would have to be created in a custom way. Here's a detailed step by step guide on how you can do that-

    Hope this helps! 😊