To access Level 1 Model building course (Talent Builder Program)

Hello everyone, @AnaplanAcademy

I have been completed the Anaplan way, and I’m interested to complete Level 1 Model Building certification but could not be able to access in the academy, could anyone please assist or provide suggestion for this.


  • PulkitChawla
    edited February 11

    @Jogannagari98 - Apply for free workspace to get practical hands on Anaplan tool. For this you need to complete The Anaplan Way course available on Anaplan Site ( and once this is done, via Talent Builder Program apply for free workspace.

    Link -

  • Jogannagari98
    edited February 11

    @PulkitChawla - Yes I have been completed the Anaplan Way course but when I can't be able to access via Talent Builder Program to apply for free workspace and there is no registration form link in the below URL.
    Link -

  • @Jogannagari98 - Ideally it’s there only but can you please check once with Anaplan Academy for this?

    They can help you by pointing out the registration link.