How I Built It: Dynamic source data selection
Author: Erik Svensson is a Certified Master Anaplanner and a Principal Solution Architect at Anaplan.
Hello Anaplan Community!
Thank you for checking out my ‘How I Built It’ tutorial. In this video, I showcase how you can set up end user selections to vary data sources across one or more hierarchies.
This is a dynamic way to set up these selections so there are minimal back-end updates for model maintenance. This is particularly useful for TPM and Demand Planning use cases where product volume data can flow from different sources over time or we want to use different baseline calculations across products that have different velocities.
Key features:
- End user-facing page for data source selection.
- Varied data source selection with overrides drilling down one or more hierarchies.
- Dynamic additions of additional data sources or calculations to set a baseline with minimal maintenance.
Check it out and drop a comment if you have any questions!
All 'How I Built It' tutorials can be found here.