Planual and Testing the model

Hi All,

Is there any way to test our model whether it is following the best practices .

For Eg: I encountered problem like I am writing the same formula in multiple modules and referring them .

Is there an sandbox environment where we export our Model data into it and then it will give results like "you are using this formula multiple times" . In the same way other results based on our model as well.


Best Answer

  • Dikshant
    Answer ✓


    There isn’t a built-in mechanism to directly identify areas for improvement in formula writing within Anaplan. However, you can discuss this with your organization's Anaplan Business Partner. They may be able to provide various reports and model analysis to help assess performance and identify potential optimization opportunities.

    If your organization has access to such services as part of your Anaplan license or through a paid service, your business partner can clarify that I'm not sure on that.

    While there isn't a dedicated sandbox model or automated tool for this purpose, the best way is to discuss with your business Partner to explore options as per my understanding.


  • You can't directly find all instances of a specific formula being used across multiple modules in Anaplan. Anaplan doesn't have a built-in search or cross-reference tool.
    The most effective approach is to design your models with modularity in mind. Create dedicated modules for common calculations.
    If you are comfortable with Anaplan scripting, you could write a script to extract all formulas from all modules. You could then analyze the extracted text to find duplicates or similar formulas.

  • There is no such thing in Anaplan for your ask.
    Model builder should manually revisit and optimize the model.
    First list down all the possibilities of optimizations that can be done in your model later analyze the impacts and then implement them in Model.

  • @Lokesh_Madhu - Here's one of the resources that you can use to identify things like duplicate line items/duplicate formulas etc-

    Hope this helps! :)