Getting rid of the dimensions in a dashboard
Hey little (maybe stupid) question,
A couple of months ago, I was able to get rid of the dimensions in a dashboard by clicking twice on the line between the dimensions of the rows and the grid itself. So when I did this, the dimensions disappeared and only the data was visible.
Now, is it possible that this functionality has disappeared as well? I'm not able to do this anymore?
Does someone know if this is still possible?
Your Anaplan friend!!
Hi Jean Philippe,
There is "maybe stupid" question here! Feel free to ask your questions.
I haven't used this before. Can you share a screenshot and mark the area that you double-clicked?
Your fellow Anaplanner!!
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You must have enabled the hierarchy filter with your dimension on rows. Try to select the same combination again. Have you made any changes to that page recently?
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So when I want to get rid of the dimensions (look at picture 1), I can just take the dimensions and scroll it to the left. (look at picture 2).
In the past, it was possible to double click on the yellow line (picture 2) and then the dimensions really disappeared. Now, in my opinion, it's too nonchalant.
So, the double click doesn't work anymore for me, does it still for you? And otherwise, is there another way of realizing my preferred outcome?
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@JeanPhilippeMiserez - Don't remember the dimensions just disappearing completely. However, you can now use formatting options to make it blank by setting the font color & background color both white.