Access Restrictions on Flat List

Hi All,

I have a flat list which is a concatenation of Lists - Company Code, Costcenter, Costelement and KPI, ex - IN11_CC2222_CE3333_PL50. There are more than 5000 list members. We already have a module based on this flat list. Users upload Planning data to this module using offline csv files. The Process has 2 actions, one to create/update Flat list and other to upload plan numbers in Modules.

Currently there is no security/restrictions in place. During our last planning cycle, we had issues with focal managing company code IN11, mistakenly updating data for another company code US85.

Currently we have selective access for Lists - Company Code and KPI. We want to bring in additional security/restrictions in place. The two objectives are:

  1. User is able to create Flat list for only his Company Code and KPI.
  2. User is able to upload data for only the Company code and KPI he has access to.

Can you please suggest the best way to go about this requirement?

Looking forward to your responses.




  • You can create a setup like this where the combination list can be created from a module where users can select the items from the line item dropdown.

    Line items are Dept. & Country list format. If selective access is enabled for these lists, you can enable the same for the line item dropdown as well.

    If the combination does not exist, you can create an action and add the same to the combination list. Enabling this option from line item format, the user won't be able to select Planning Area, they won't have access to it, and you can give bulk export and import option if they want to create in bulk.

  • Hi Dikshit,

    Thanks a lot for your response. This resolves my objective 1.

    For the objective 2, I have created 2 System Module where the Users have to select the Company code and KPI, before triggering the load to Module. The System modules are connected to DCA and it will open only concatenated list members containing the selected company code and KPI.

    It's working fine, but still leaves the issue of concurrent users using the same system module filters at the same time. Is there any way to use "User" dimension or any other locking mechanism to resolve the concurrent user issue?



  • Since selective access is enabled, users won’t be able to select a country from the dropdown if they don’t have access. However, they can still upload a CSV file that includes countries outside their access rights.

    To manage this, store the access information as a boolean in a module dimensioned by Country x Users, where TRUE indicates access. For validation, create an Error Message column that triggers an error if the selected country is outside the user's access.

    Additionally, introduce the User dimension in the system module to support this validation. Apply conditional formatting to highlight errors in RED, making it clear when a user selects a restricted country.

    Let me know if this works for your second point.

  • Hi Dikshit,

    I'm trying to replicate the combination list approach that you suggested. When I'm entering the data one at a time, it's only allowing me to select the Planning Area I have access to, but if do a bulk copy paste or import via action, it's allowing all updates. Any thoughts?

