Field no showing on Add Entry screen for some users

edited March 11 in Modeling

Hello, we have a Dashboard and there is a New Entry form, we added a field (unrestricted) for currency in the module, and added it to the entry form.
Some users are seeing the old list of fields to add

Others are seeing the new field included

I cannot work out why this is not showing for all users as there are no selective access issues and the field is not restricted

Any suggestions




  • Hi @DeveloperCYT ,

    I believe both these instances are happening within same environment/model (Staging or Prod).

    The other suspect is difference in access between these two users. If not selective access, are you sure that the role of both these users is the same? If not same, are you sure both the roles have access to the list format of this currency field?


  • Hi,

    I have 2 users with exactly the same access, and the same customers and the same setup, and one can see the currency field and one can't, and that is what is puzzling me.

  • Interesting.
    May sound silly, but have you tried relaunching the app for the user who is missing it?
    Also, have seen cases where user mistakenly selects a different model in case the page is pointing to multiple source models. Or even having a old and personal 'my page' version of the page.

  • Hi @DeveloperCYT - Try to duplicate that page & check with the user seeing the old version if it updates for them.

    If it does, its probably 1 of the reasons @AjayM mentioned (pointing to the wrong model) or it could be a browser specific issue in case they are not using the same browser (Chrome being the preferred one)