Unable to show tax rate which is a 2-variable lookup from another module

Hi guys

I am facing a problem and thought any kind soul here might be able to help out.

In this module HR02, I am unable to display a "Tax" rate which is essentially a look-up from TAX01

Any idea what would cause the lookup to not work?



  • Hey @JohnnyH ,

    What's the dimensionality of TAX01 module? Your formula would work if TAX01 is dimensioned by entity list and time. In other case, mapping must be established between the dimensions of source and target modules.


  • Hi @AjayM

    Thanks for your clarification. There is time scale and entity list dimension per screenshot below though, thats why it is puzzling why the mapping was not established properly.

  • Hi @AjayM sorry you can ignore my above comment, the HR02 module was not dimensioned by entity hence the failure to look up. Thanks for your advice!

  • HR02 doesn't have to be by entity dimension, since it has lineitem formatted by that list, and you are using that lineitem in the lookup.
    I see a custom version list in TAX01, but not sure if HR02 is dimensioned by it. If not, you should map that too.