Update Inventory Ordering to Allow Override of Shipping Method - Final Shipping Time Weeks

i'm stuck while following the hint, it said

The formula for this line item is similar to the Shipping Time Weeks line item, except it should reference the Final Shipping Method line item.

and the formula for the Shipping Time Weeks is

'TRA01 Shipping Metrics by Week'.'Shipping Time (Weeks)'[LOOKUP: Shipping Method, LOOKUP: 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Product]

and i try to change it to

'Final Shipping Method' [LOOKUP: Shipping Method, LOOKUP: 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Product]

the result is error.

can anyone help me where i did wrong?

Best Answer

  • Biyyu
    Answer ✓

    it's solve all to do is change the look up :D