Conditional Formatting for User-Based Search Functionality

Hello Anaplanners,

I have created a search functionality in Anaplan that allows users to search for specific text within the project descriptions, Project one liner, Project StoryBoard line items within a module where Projects are a dimension.

The search functionality is user-based, meaning each user can input their search term and see the results specific to their search, so input of users are done in a user dimension module, these inputs are then compared with the three line items mentioned above in the same module however these comparison line items have additional user dimension. They're all summarized using a filter which again has projects and user dimension.

I would like to apply conditional formatting to highlight the line item within the module which has the data. For example i search for the word "Confidential" and it appears in the Project StoryBoard then StoryBoard line item should have the color.

However, I am encountering difficulties because the conditional formatting needs to be applied based on a user-specific dimension, and the system is unable to read the line item since it is user-based. I tried different summary options however what happens is the color appears for all users and not specifically for the user searching it.

Could you please provide guidance on how to achieve conditional formatting in this scenario? Specifically, I need to highlight the search term in the module for the specific line item for each user individually.



  • @Sachinsourav02 - You'd need the user dimension in the line item that you're trying to apply a CF to & it'd work as usual-

    Here I have the user dimension on the row & the apple is only highlighted for my user in the 2nd section & not in the first.

  • @devrathahuja Thanks for your response.

    My problem is my module is only dimensioned by the Project list…the find line items are user dimensioned but the module just has Project list. Can this be achieved without converting the line item to user dimension ?

  • @Sachinsourav02 - Not really, since the system needs to check that find for every user & color it based on that.

    If its an output module, you can replicate the line item with user dimension & publish that one with the CF.