Native User Filter on Module

Hi Anaplan Community,

Good Day!

Can you help me solving the user filter saved view on module.

My goal is to have an import process where the user will use and the only data that will transfer is their account entry.

I will be using the native user as line item on this report:

I created an additional module to use as a filter for the saved view:

I switch off the user list:

I used this module as a filter on my report:

The problem is when the user run the process, the saved view is appearing blank.

Hope you can point out what did I miss and help me solve this error.

Thank you in advance,



  • @Lynethdeguzman - What is the formula for the filter line item?

    Are you able to see the saved view in the backend but the user is not? If so, check the selective access & role+module/list access for the user role.

  • Hi @devrathahuja,

    Thank you for your quick response.

    This is the formula for the filter line item:

    It is lookup on the report:

    I can see my own test account entry saved view in the backend and the user cannot filter their entry.

    We use a selective access on Native user line item:

    The tester Model User Role is in FULL ACCESS.

    But still he is having an error due to saved view is not appearing his account entry.

    Thank you,


  • @Lynethdeguzman - Thanks for sharing the screenshots. Could you also add a screenshot of what the lookup value is set to? It looks like it might be looking up the line for which the native user value is your user and hence only you can see it.