Level 2: Sprint 2: Error while running the 9 Import data from HUB for Importing Import Opening Stock

I may not be clear because I'm using a translation tool to convert Japanese to English.
I'm in a lot of trouble and need your help.

The problematic area: level 2 sprint

When I try to execute Process 9. Import Data from the Hub according to the instructions, I get an error as shown in the third image.

Please tell me how to resolve this.

Anapedia stated that it's easier to re-import from the data hub to the supply chain, so I tried to import:

DAT01 Beginning Inventory
DAT02 Shipping Metrics

However, I don't know how to map DAT02 Shipping Metrics.

Thank you for your help.


  • Hi @InoueYuki ,

    It seems like the issue is related to the mapping of line items, particularly because the time dimension is displayed in columns in your source view.

    To resolve this, you can edit your saved view(Or create one if you're directly using Module as the source) by adjusting the pivot:

    • Place all other dimensions (Product Flat, Shipping Method Flat, and Line Items) in rows.
    • Keep the Time dimension in columns.

    This setup will make it easier to map the data correctly. You may refer to the example screenshot attached below for further clarity.

    I hope this helps.