Prefered Sources for Anaplan to Anaplan import

Hi, I find it usefull to use the following practice : import from Anaplan model should be setup as such :

  • import from saved views : 90% (even 100% in some contexts)
  • import from list : 9% (or 0%)
  • import from module : 1% (or 0%)

Whenever possible, all imports should be made out of saved views. It takes 5 to 10 minutes more to implement, but it's much more reliable, stable and under control.  Importing from list should be reserved for very simple business cases, or for very simple imports, for example importing 10 itmes from a fixed list which will be updated once a year by adding one or two elements. Importing from module (I mean not from dedicated saved views) should be reserved for "fixed" module : parameters data, Meta data. For production data. and for list elements coming out of a module, saved view must be used, not the "root" modules. One dedicated module (and thus its saved views) for One Target model should be used in source model. For example, if a data from the Hub model has to be used as source by 3 target models, you'd better create 3 source modules in the Source model. I feel it gives more flexibility (although more work to implement) and avoid spoiling an existing import created months ago, when creating a new import for a new application. Eager to read your comments and own preferences. Kind regards. Michel.


  • I agree completely!

    In fact, I'd go further and say that all internal imports should be from views. You can then make changes to the views by adding filters or additional columns if you need to. You might not need any filters right now but how do you know you won't in future?

    Since you can only have one import from each module into each target (list or target modules), you'll need views for each subsequent import. You'll be able to add filters to these imports (because they're based on views), so why prohibit yourself from having filters on the first one?