Waterfall chart
Waterfall chart is showing for all values as "Upwards direction" as shown below:
I WAS EXPECTING to be like this below.
Does we need to write any expressions/formula to set Net1, Net2, Net3 and NetRevenue to start from 0 instead of prev line item ?
Hi Satish
What I've noticed you're using components (Gross Revenue, GPO, etc.) as list members with Rebate $ as line item. You should consider creating module with those components as line items (see screen below). This module doesn't have any other dimmensions. In your case you should replicate all additional dimmensions (Time, Versions, Lists) from original module.
All items displayed in black are simple sums of proper items.
Net1 = Gross Revenue + GPO + FedNet2 = Net1 + Medicaid
Now marking single column from Gross to Net Revenue and selecting waterfall chart should create below chart.
Hope that will provide help you needed.
Kind regards,Lukasz