Current system day or To Date
Hi Guys,
Can anyone please guide, if we have any syntax for retriving todays date i,e sysdate in Anaplan.
I have created a property with Date formatted,I want to view todays date in this line item.
Hello Madhabika,
@echo on
:: This script looks up the current date, writes it to a csv file, and sends it to Anaplan
:: Here we set the file path of the csv file we will be writing the current date too
set FileName="\\d-sapfiles\Interfaces\D_ANAPLAN\VOLFCST\OUT\CurrentDate.csv"
:: rem This is a simple for loop that parses the date /t function
FOR /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do (set mm=%%a& set dd=%%b& set yyyy=% %c& (if "%%a:~0,1" gtr "9" set mm=%%b& set dd=%%c& set yyyy=%%d))
echo Todays date in Windows format is: %date%
set mydate=%yyyy%-%mm%-%dd%
echo 'Current Date': %mydate%
rem The following is not needed unless you have specific requirements to strip characters, etc
:: rem Remove leading Zeros from Day
:: set d=%dd%
:: set /a d=100%d% %% 100
:: rem Remove leading Zeros from Month
:: set m=%mm%
:: set /a m=100%m% %% 100
:: set snapshot=%d%-%m%-%yyyy%
set snapshot=%mydate%
echo 'Latest Snapshot': %snapshot%
@echo "Current Date","Latest Snapshot"> %FileName%
@echo "%mydate%","%snapshot%">> %FileName%
rem **************************************************************
set AnaplanUser=“"
set WorkspaceId=“XXX”
set ModelId=“XXX”
:: This variable AC_exe should be set to the path of the AnaplanClient.bat
set AC_exe=D:\Anaplan\AnaplanClient.bat
:: This variable Cert should be set to the path of your Anaplan User's Certificate (can be downloaded from Anaplan under user profile on the top right)
set Cert="D:\Anaplan\certificate-XXXX.cer"
:: This variable LogPath should be set to the path of a folder/directory for the Anaplan Connect log files
set LogPath="D:\Anaplan\logs"
set Operation=-certificate %Cert% -file "CurrentDate.csv NOTE: This is the filename in the Anaplan Model when you click on Import Data Sources button" -put %FileName% -import "Import Current Date NOTE: This is the name of the Import Action in the Anaplan Model" -execute -output %LogPath%
rem *** End of settings - Do not edit below this line ***
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion || exit /b 1
cd %~dp0
if not %AnaplanUser% == "" set Credentials=-user %AnaplanUser%
set Command=%AC_exe% %Credentials% -s %ServiceLocation% -workspace %WorkspaceId% -model %ModelId% %Operation%
@echo %Command%
cmd /c %Command%
pausesave it with .bat extension and you can use it.
The actual code was in the other post.
I've made it available here. Thank you!
0 -
I can't get this code to update my module:
@echo on :: This script looks up the current date, writes it to a csv file, and sends it to Anaplan :: Here we set the file path of the csv file we will be writing the current date too set FileName="C:\Users\tobrien\Desktop\HDCCO\Scripts\Current Date.txt" :: rem This is a simple for loop that parses the date /t function FOR /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do (set mm=%%a& set dd=%%b& set yyyy=% %c& (if "%%a:~0,1" gtr "9" set mm=%%b& set dd=%%c& set yyyy=%%d)) echo Todays date in Windows format is: %date% set mydate=%yyyy%-%mm%-%dd% echo 'Current Date': %mydate% rem The following is not needed unless you have specific requirements to strip characters, etc :: rem Remove leading Zeros from Day :: set d=%dd% :: set /a d=100%d% %% 100 :: rem Remove leading Zeros from Month :: set m=%mm% :: set /a m=100%m% %% 100 :: set snapshot=%d%-%m%-%yyyy% set snapshot=%mydate% echo 'Latest Snapshot': %snapshot% @echo "Current Date"> %FileName% @echo "%mydate%">> %FileName% rem ************************************************************** set AnaplanUser=“" set WorkspaceId=“8a81b09b652b035001653afaa0584473” set ModelId=“61E67CEB032C4CD4BA1E1E489D1A16E4” :: This variable AC_exe should be set to the path of the AnaplanClient.bat set AC_exe=C:\Users\tobrien\Desktop\HDCCO\Batch\AnaplanClient.bat :: This variable Cert should be set to the path of your Anaplan User's Certificate (can be downloaded from Anaplan under user profile on the top right) set Cert="C:\Users\tobrien\Desktop\HDCCO\Cert" :: This variable LogPath should be set to the path of a folder/directory for the Anaplan Connect log files set LogPath="C:\Users\tobrien\Desktop\HDCCO" set Operation=-certificate %Cert% -file "Current Date.txt NOTE: This is the filename in the Anaplan Model when you click on Import Data Sources button" -put %FileName% -import "Import Current Date NOTE: This is the name of the Import Action in the Anaplan Model" -execute -output %LogPath% rem *** End of settings - Do not edit below this line *** setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion || exit /b 1 cd %~dp0 if not %AnaplanUser% == "" set Credentials=-user %AnaplanUser% set Command=%AC_exe% %Credentials% -s %ServiceLocation% -workspace %WorkspaceId% -model %ModelId% %Operation% @echo %Command% cmd /c %Command% pause