Create Hierarchial list using import



I am trying to create a list as shown in the attached image. Here i have'nt created the seperate list for 5804 (which is like parent list). To avoid sparsity & size constrain, i am trying to create parent & child list in the same list. I know how to create in the tool for less items. Can someone tell me how to use Import data to create such list with bulk data.







  • dimonk


    I think that my question is about "exporting data". 🙂


    I want to get data from module without "process action". I want to do it as in Excel add in.
    So - I need the description of protocol between "Excel add in" and "Anaplan".

    Do somebody know this protocol?


  • Hi,


    The link to the Excel Add-in describes the full capability of pulling a saved view (or the default view) from modules in Anaplan.  This doesn't involve export actions at all.


    The protocol between "Excel add in" and "Anaplan" is pretty straight forward:

    1. Download and install the Excel Add In (see link in last post)
    2. Open Excel
    3. Click on the Anaplan Ribbon
    4. Log into Anaplan via Excel
    5. Query Anaplan from Excel by selecting Model, Module, View (Saved or Default).
    6. The queried data (in Excel) can be shared with other people as a static data set / report, but can only be refreshed by users with appropriate access in Anaplan.


    Other methods for getting data out of Anaplan all involve an Export Action.  For example, if we use the Restful API or Anaplan Connect, there would have to be an Export Action referenced.  The Excel Add-in pulls data into Excel directly from modules.


    Good luck!



  • dimonk

    Hi, Paul!

    Thank you for answer!!!


    >>Query Anaplan from Excel by selecting Model, Module, View (Saved or Default)

    I would like to use it in my own application (direct reading data from module as in excel add on). I do not want to use Restful API (with Export Action).