Extra Help - Putting It All Together Exercise 3
Use the screenshots below as a guide for completing Putting It All Together Exercise 3.
Setting up the Corporate Expenses module and importing Corp Expenses.csv:
On the Model Settings tab, select Modules. On the Modules menu, click Insert Module. Name the module, select dimensions, and add line items as shown.
Set the Format for each line item as shown. All are numbers and should be shown in USD with no decimal places. Use hyphen for zero values.
Deselect Use Switchover for all line items in this module.
Click the Pivot icon. Pivot the view as shown.
Save the pivoted view as the default for this module.
Navigate to and select Corp Expenses.csv for the data import. Preview the data on the File Options dialog. Ensure that the Header Row and First Data Row are correctly identified.
Match the Source and Target fields on the Mapping tab as shown.
On the Time tab, select the date format that matches the source .csv. Look at the preview on the Mapping tab to confirm. In this case, select Periods, then select M-Y.
On the Total Company E1 tab, ensure that all Functional Areas have been correctly matched. If not, select Map items manually and match them as needed.
On the Versions tab, note that the Actual version does not automatically map initially because of a slight difference in wording between the source file and the Anaplan model.
To match the missing version, select Map items manually, click Actuals under Source Items, then click Actual under Target Items.
On the Corporate Expenses Line Items tab, ensure that all line items have been correctly matched. If not, select Map items manually and match them as needed. Then click Run Import.
Your Import Competed dialog should look like this. Note that there are failed line items but that the overall Import is Complete. Click the Details tab to see what failed.
The Details tab reveals that the failures are for cells in the FY 18 total column of the .csv file. Anaplan could not interpret FY 18 as a date. This is expected and is not a problem since Anaplan will automatically create totals for FY1 8 in the model. Click Close.