Good practices to improve model performance

edited December 2022 in Best Practices

General recommendations

It is important as model calculations increase to ensure that the calculations and structures are as optimal as possible. Easy checks include:

  • Ensure the dimension order in the "applies to" is consistent
  • Consider if all of the dimensions for the calculations are necessary
  • Reduce the number of line items with the same formulas (calculate once, reference many times)
  • Consider the use of subsets and line item subsets
  • Use a balanced approach to sparsity
  • Ensure "text joins" are optimal

See the following articles for more information on the above:

The truth about sparsity (part 1)

The truth about sparsity (part 2)

Best practice for Dimension ordering

Reduce calculations for better performance

Formula optimization in Anaplan

Customer requirements 

General recommendations also include, whenever possible, challenging your customer’s business requirements when the customer requires a large list (>1M), a large amount of data history (this should be kept out of the planning model if possible), and high number of dimensions used at the same time for a line item (>5).

Other practices

Once these general recommendations have been applied, you can optimize performance in different areas. The articles below will expand on each subject:

  1. Imports and exports and their effects on model performance
  2. Dashboard settings that can help improve model performance
  3. Formulas and their effect on model performance
  4. Model load, Model Save, Model Rollback and their effect on model performance

Contributing authors: Guillaume Arnaud and Prakash Hariharan.
