Updated forecast version based on updated Actuals
I need some modeling suggestions on the following task. I am new to Anaplan versions and would appreciate your help.
There is a demand forecasting module (Demand) subject to Actual and Forecast versions. Let us assume the only line item here is Demand.Units.
The forecast values are for future timeperiods and are based on an extrapolation of the actuals data. I wish to update the actual demand data, weekly and I want updated projections in my forecast.
Example below: Assume data up to Week of Jan 18 is actuals, and the rest are all forecast. Assume also, for simplicity, forecast is a simple average of the past 3 weeks in history.
Week of Jan 4 / Week of Jan 11 / Week of Jan 18 / Week of Jan 25 / Week of Feb 4
Units 10 / 20 / 30 / AVERAGE(10,20,30) = 20 / AVERAGE(20,30,20) = 23.3
Under this condition, whenever I update actual demand data of the business (say, weekly), I want updated forecast proejctions for the future.
If I update the Week of Jan 18 with "Actuals" data, to be 40 as the Demand Units was actually 40, then I want my module to look like the below:
Week of Jan 4 / Week of Jan 11 / Week of Jan 18 / Week of Jan 25 / Week of Feb 4
Units 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 (Updated Actuals) / AVERAGE(20,30,40) = 30
Any pointers on how to do this is hugely appreciated!
We actually need to konw more information in order to help with this further, such as are you using Switchover or not? Also, are you using the Current Version as well?
If youa are using Switchover, then you can use the function MovingSum( https://help.anaplan.com/anapedia/Content/Calculation_Functions/All/MOVINGSUM.html)