Import from module with greater dimensionality
I'm attempting to import data from a module in another Model (monthly employment costs per employee) which has greater dimensionality than my current module (The source has a Currency List & also Versions which the current Model does not have)
Is there a way to SELECT a Currency List & Version item to import or do you have to create dummy lists in the current model and then map 1-1 (e.g. Fake Currency.AUD and map to the Currency.AUD in the target)
Best Answer
First, create a view in the source module of what you are wanting to export, excluding an parent level data, filtering on the data needed (Actual and AUD) and save it. On the target module, import the data from the view you just saved.
Hope this helps,
Nice! Yes that should well
Thanks Rob!!
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One other thing to know; it is possible in the target mapping to select a fixed item when there is no source dimension to map. You can make this fixed, or have the import prompt the user to select a member of the target dimension
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Thanks David!