Period format in export file.

Best Answers
This could be when you use on of the exceptions for list properties
I'm not sure if it will work in this use case, but if you create list properties for one of the dimensions, you can choose to display them as well as the list name as part of the export
Alternatively, you may have to create a fake time list and map the data to that, specifically for the export
I hope that helps
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Hi Ari,
There are 2 options,
#1. Create a Fake Time list and use it as dimension instead of anaplan time.
#2. Change the view and export, bring the line items to Rows and export it, you will get the right time format.
Vignesh M
Thanks for the replies. I did use a fake time and ignored the time column. I had the confirmation from Anaplan that it is currently the only work around if we want to be using tabular exports. As to why the time dimension was showing up this way, it was confirmed that it's a bug and it's on the Anaplan dev team's list to check.
Kind regards,