Module exports
Hi Team,
As pat of my requirement I need to read the file under the models and load into the snowflake for that I am using v1.3 api
I need to get the latest details from the files , so I need to use the export
When I start the export at model level, it will export all the files under that model or for each individual file I need to start the exports
It's not possible to "export the model"
Each export (from a module) will have it's own Export action and associated file
You can add these exports into a process and call that from the API, so you will get multiple files created when the Export process is run
I hope that helps
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Hi David,
Thanks for your reply
I am following the below steps to get my files from the models
1. Get the workspace id
2. Pass the workspace id and get the models
3. Pass the workspace id and model and request for the export definition
Could you please explain me how to add exports into a process and call that from the API
Kandasamy0 -
You will need to create the exports within Anaplan first
Then you create a Process within Anaplan and add the export actions to this process.
You can then call the process from the API
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Hi David,
Could you please elaborate me on how to create a process with Anaplan and add the export to the process.
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1. Save the export when you first run the export
2. Navigate to Actions
3. Create a new Process
4. Edit the Process
5. Add the export(s) to the process
I hope that helps
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HI David,
Thanks for your detail explanation.
The process can be added to the export using the api instead of GUI
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Under my model there are 151 files.. when I ran the export and when I checked the export definition I can get only 12 export definition. why I am not able to get all the export definition under that model
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Because some of the files may have been loaded as Private. To read more, please follow this link: