Time Hierarchy Filter
I added a Time Hierarchy Filter to my Board mostly so that users can select which year they want to look at. I want this view to be either all Months with a FY total or all Quarterly subtotals with a FY total but currently the view is showing 3 months followed by a quarterly subtotal followed by the next 3 months and a quarterly subtotal and so forth. In the classic view I could accomplish this just by filtering the view, publishing it, and then adding a page selector to the dashboard with fiscal years but that doesn't seem to be an option here. Is there an alternative way of accomplishing this? If not, is it possible to at least format the quarterly subtotals differently so it's easier for users to read?
HI @AW25,
Please download the Time Filters Learning model from App HUB... This is link
This App shows easy time filters... And the same can be replicated on NUX
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This can be accomplished by using filters on time. Use your system time module to hide quarters from your view, (either save the view and publish this or apply the filter in the custom views in the new UX)
This article will give you a good idea how to create a time system module if you don't already have one in place: https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Best-Practices/How-to-Create-a-Time-Filter-Module/ta-p/8022