Anaplan Mobile APP: Landscape issue with cards(image)
Mobile app
I am facing a issue while using the Anaplan mobile app with the landscape view for image card, does the landscape view only applies to grid card?
Please find the screenshots( includes: View in Classic dashboard,New UX and Mobile APP)
This screenshot is of the classic dashboard view
and the same view in mobile app
New UX dashboard View
Hi @patilchhaya. I am not totally sure which part of the rendering you're having an issue with, but a couple notes:
Mobile cards render in at vertical layout with a fixed height (which varies by card type), and in order from top to bottom left to right within each section. From my interpretation your cards are rendering like the attached screenshot, because they're all within the same section. Any cards in the section above would render before these, and after would come next in the line up.
Keep that in mind when designing for mobile. This visual you created may need to be re-thought for mobile rendering.