Trouble importing System module to Numbered List
I'm trying to import a system module containing flat list dimensions (store, product) containing line items that combines store and product code into a combined numbered list that up until now only have stores in it. When running the import I get below failure messages although import was completed:
* Another row has already been processed with this key
* Cannot import record into numbered list as it has a new name
I believe my list doesn't understand that the same product should be able to be sold in different stores. Also, when having a numbered list I cannot uniquely identify data with my code or combination of properties, but only Name (#ID), which I suppose is the Product name, so that is causing problems.
I tried the same import for a dummy non-Numbered list and it then worked. But how can I make this work with a numbered list? Do I have to maybe add some line item calculation row to my system module that I'm importing?
Best regards,
Best Answer
It seems @naushad786 and @prabhu solutions are very close to your needs.You mentioned that you followed @prabhu solution and you get #1, #2,..
You just need to create a Display Name" property that has the name of the Product (as text) and in the general list section, in the "Display Name Property", you need to select the "Display Name" property you just created.
In the last step, @naushad786 created a hierarchicall list which you don't want.
Instead, you can take the last 2 steps of my proposed solution
3) Add a "Parent Store" property for that list and format it as a Store list
4) When you import into that list, import the store into the "Parent store"
Can I ask, how are you planning to use the numbered list? Why do you need parent information but still need a flat list?
Hi @johan.marketoft,
Whenever you want to import into your numbered list, you have to import the code first.
I have assigned code for Product and Store.
Second i have created a module, with product and store as dimension, and a line item which is the concatenation of product and store code.
While importing into a numbered list, map the code which which u have generated previously.
Final numbered list
I tried to replicate your scenario and gave you a overview of numbered list import function.
if you have any doubt let me know.
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Hi Soma,
Thanks for reply! I followed your result and got added rows under my numbered list like yours, with #1, #2, #3 etc. with the combined code. I was however looking to rather go from:
Numbered List Store->Product# before import:
Stores Parent Store Code Store 1 All Stores Sto_123 Store 2 All Stores Sto_124 Store N etc.. etc.. Numbered List Store->Product# after import
Product Parent Combined Code Product X Store 1 Sto_123_Pro_123 Product Y Store 1 Sto_123_Pro_124 Product X Store 2 Sto_124_Pro_123 Product Y Store 2 Sto_124_Pro_124 So that means that the stores would go to being the parent of the list instead of "All Stores" as previously.
Did you follow?
Best regards,
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Hello @johan.marketoft
If I understand correctly, you want the Stores to be the Parent Hierarchy for the Products. You can set that up in the "Configure" tab of the Products list
Then, you can import each Product to its corresponding store. i do understand that more than 1 store can sell the same product.
For that you can use 1 unique code combining Store+Prod, as it was suggested by @prabhu
Then, you need to create a Property (formatted as text) that will contain the Product name. It is best practice to call it "Display Name" as it will be used as the display name (not suprises there)
In the general list section, in the "Display Name Property", you need to select the "Display Name" property you just created.
Finally, your list will look something like that
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@fabien.junod But I don't want to put Store as a parent in the Products List as I want to keep that as a flat list. So the system module I have is built on 2 flat lists as dimensions; store and product. This module, SYS Create Store->Product, then has the combined code of both as a line item. Is this possible somehow?
Best regards,
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Hi @johan.marketoft,
I hope this is what you are looking for:
Step 1: I created a system module with 2 flat list as dimension(Store, Product)
A Line item To be sold -> if you want to sell product in that store you should mark it as true.
Code is generated only if (To be Sold) is marked as True else product combination code won't be generated.
Step 2: Create a saved view, Only (To be Sold is set as True)
Step 3: Import into numbered List as i suggested in my previous post.
Step 4: A new Module with the numbered list as dimension.
With the help of new code, product name and store name are generated.
Let me know if you need more clarity or send some screen shots for better clarity.
Sorna Raja Prabhu.
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I think I am not 100% clear on what you need. If my understanding is correct, you need
1) a flat list that contains the combination of Store & Product
2) the parent of the products sold in Store X should be the Store X (based on your table below)
From my perspective the requirement 2) contadicts requirement 1). The definition of flat list is that you do not have a parent/children relation.
If the parent if needed as a reference, another option would be:
1) Create a Store list with all the stores
2) Create a #Product numbered list (using the Store&Product as the code). Hence, you could have 3 times Product 1 (as a display name) but each time with a different code
3) Add a "Parent Store" property for that list and format it as a Store list
4) When you import into that list, import the store into the "Parent store"
You would end up with a list like that
3) Then whenever you need the parent information ina a module, you could reference it from the "Parent Store"
Then, if in some modules you need totals at a Store level, you could SUM over that "Parent store" line item.
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@fabien.junod I don't mean a flat list with combined Store & Product but two separate flat lists:
Store Flat List
Product Flat List
Then create System Module with those two as dimensions with line items:
Boolean if Product is in Store
Combined Code
Then import this module to a Numbered List called Stores>Product# that will then have format I wrote up in thread "after import".
Is this not possible?
@prabhu When I follow your solution I still get the result on added rows with the #1, #2, #3 etc., I'm looking for the format I have in "after import" table.
Do any of you take video calls to help and share screen? I think that would be much easier.
Best regards,
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Hi @johan.marketoft ,
As per your requirement. I have created two Separated Lists Store and Product here.
I have also created System Module with those two as dimensions with line items with Combined Code and condition -->Boolean if Product is in Store
Now, I am importing this module to Numbered list and Store List set as Parent to it.
Hope it will help you,
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Thanks, works now! @fabien.junod @prabhu