Level 2 sprint 3 INV02 Country summary module

I am a loss how to build the formula for the Iine item safety stock flag count in INV02


I know this inv02 module is linked to inv01 's  line item safety stock exception count (ending inventory is lower than the safety stock target level)


the picture given in Anaplan tutorial is fairly difficult to understand how to link sys 08 Sku details using it's new line item called 'country made in'


have attached the picture in here that was given to us in the tutorial


The picture shows  aggregation of p3 sku in the sys 08 sku details module


can anyone provide any guidance??


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    You need to sum by the dimension which presents in the Target module, so you need to sum by Product family, not by Product and sum by Country made in.

    Check, SUM Function in Anapedia, Link 

    Target Module.Value = Source Module.Value[sum: Dim A, sum: Dim B]


    ~Vignesh M


  • Hi @Donna Marie,


    From the picture, what I understood is,


    1. Source Module has TIME and P3 SKU Dimensions,



    You need to disaggregate the P3SKU value to Product Family and Country.


    Now you need a mapping between these dimensions to transform the value, you have that mapping in the SYS SKU details module. 

    Hint: Check the SUM function and use Country/Product family data in the SYS SKU module



    Vignesh M



  • so for the line item Safety Stock Flag Count in INV02 Country summary module, does the formula look like this:


    'Inv01 inventory ordering'.'safety stock exception count' [ sum: P3 SKU, lookup: 'SYS08 SKU details'.'country made in']

  • Hi @Donna Marie ,


    You are close, see your target model dimension(Country/Product family), you need to do sum by target model dimension.

    So sum by Product family and Sum by Country made in.


    ~Vignesh M

  • so I can do this?


    'inv01...'.'safety exception count'[sum: 'sys08 sku details'.'product']


    then what about the sum for country by ' country made in'?

  • Hello @VIGNESH.M  @Donna Marie 

    I tried this formula : 'INV01 Inventory Ordering'.Safety Stock exception count[SUM: 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Country, SUM: 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Product Family]. But i don't understand. Normaly INV01 does'nt have geography as dimension, so the data displayed at INV01 (source module) is at All Region Level, while INV02 (target) is at country level. So normally, the maaping is used with a LOOKUP and not a SUM. When i try to do it with a lookup, the system says that there is a mapping error. Could you help me ?



  • Hello everyone 
    Here is a post (Edited) that I wrote on another group yesterday addressing the same issue.
    General steps I take when determining a formula are:

    1. Find out if the data I seek is in another module?
    2. Examen the source and target modules dimensions to determine the appropriate function and if any mapping is needed
    3. Check the summary method 

    Now, what exactly is the issue you are facing? Is the formula syntax is wrong or you are getting the wrong values?

  • Hi

    I believe you are "over-summing" here. i.e.summing by dimensions that don't need to be present explicitly in a SUM formula because it'll sum automatically on its own.
  • Hello @einas.ibrahim 

    Thank you for help and contributions. This is how i transformed the formula : 'INV01 Inventory Ordering'.Safety Stock exception count[SUM: 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Country] based on your note.


  • Hi @Younes 

    So you are getting the right results now?


    If you are getting the right results and you understand why you changed the formula this way, then my work here is done 😊
    If you still have any questions, please let me know.


    Just pay attention to the names suggested by the training, you have to use it exactly as it appears in the training.

  • Hi, I saw the formula. And I have the same.


    In Inv01, IF Ending Inventory < Safety Stock Target THEN 1 ELSE 0

    In Inv02, 'INV01 Inventory Ordering'.Safety Stock Exception Count[SUM: 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Country Made In]


    But when I reach 3.4.4, it makes me doubt if it is right. 

    INV01 is actually All Regions, and Chocolates is 0 in Jan20

    INV02 is All Regions, Chocolates but is 10 on Week2 FY20. 


    Can someone help if this is right?



  • KhumoS
    edited August 2024


    This is the formula I used for the 'Country Made in' line item in SYS08: SYS06 Location Details'.Country[LOOKUP: Supplied By]
    and then I used this formula in the INV02 saftey stock flag count line item : 'INV01 Inventory Ordering'.Safety Stock Exception Count[SUM: 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Country Made in, SUM: 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Product Family]