Level 1 Model Building Certification Exam : Unable to format Roles as List in SYS08

I am having an issue with the Role list. When I try to format the Role line item in SYS08 it gives me this error: Format of mapping used for lookup doesn't match any dimension of the source. I've attached a screenshot of the blueprint. 


I've had no luck fixing this issue and I'm going on hour 4 of trying to finish this exam. Hoping someone can help me out of this rabbit hole!


Thank you!


  •  Also, I understand what the formulas need to be in EMP02, but I think this format issue in SYS08 is causing the error when I try to update the formulas in EMP02:  Data type mismatch: format other than LIST or DATE being referenced as a relation.


    Attachment of screenshots from EMP02 and EMP03 included for reference.

  • Open the Attached link and try you will get it....