Excel pivot in Anaplan

Hi Anaplanners,


i have a situation wherein i need to build a sub-report using a  excel raw data file provided.The sub-report is just an excel pivot that needs to be replicated in Anaplan with the same functionality that excel has ,eg,Multiple select filters,multiple tabular view based on selection,sum values etc


Can someone  provide some best practice to achieve this?


Thanks in Advance




  • @akprasa1 


    Can you please take a snip of your excel pivot and share it here. It should be easily doable

  • Hi ,

    Attached is the snip of the pivot.

    Filters are applied on :

    LUX POC's exclusions



    ABI_SFA_External_ID__c(unique count)



  • @akprasa1 


    Still not clear how is this end result getting created. Here are my suggestions


    You need to see on what dimensions are you aggregating the data on. 

    You need to see if there is any hierarchy involved.

    If you need same multi tabular format, you may want to have a SYS modules created. You may end up having Subsidiary views