1.01-06 Time Range Naming
Keep the naming short using the FYxx-FYyy format. This format allows the administrator to see the scope and name of the Time Range in the module blueprint without referring back to the Time Range itself; it fits within the column of the blueprint. This aids auditing and analysis
However, this does mean that the Time Range may need to be renamed if the range changes, so if your Time Range needs to be incremented each year, and it is clearly documented, an alternative would be to use a generic name ("History Years"). It requires less maintenance, but is not as clear
Best Practice article:
Time Range Application
- Preface
- Planual Conventions
- Zen of Anaplan
- Chapter 1 - Central Library
- Time
- Versions
- Users and Roles
- Contents
- Lists
- Subsets
- Line Item Subsets
- Emojis
- Chapter 2 - Engine
- Modules
- Formulas
- Line Items
- Saved Views
- Chapter 3 - UX Principles
- Hierarchy of Information
- Smart Grouping
- Reduce Visual Load
- Progressive Disclosure
- Use Consistency and Standards
- Provide Help and Guidance
- Use The Correct Data Type
- Give Users Visibility Into Status
- Match With Real World Scenarios
- Check In With End Uses Frequently
- Chapter 4 - UX Build
- Apps
- Dashboards
- Filters
- Chapter 5 - Integration
- Actions
- Processes
- Source Models
- Imports
- Exports
- Import Data Sources
- Data Hub
- Chapter 6 - Application Lifecycle Management
- Revision Tags
- Production Lists
- Architecture
- Deployed Mode
- Managing Changes During Development
- Chapter 7 - Extensions
- Excel
- PowerPoint