Level 2 - Sprint 3 INV 01 - POST AND OFFSET


1)  I am trying to get some sense on POST and OFFSET with the following 2 line items:

    a)  Confirmed PO Delivery          = OFFSET(PO Submitted, Final Shipping Time Weeks, 0)

    b)  Confirmed PO Delivery Test  = POST(PO Submitted, Final Shipping Time Weeks)

    and appreciate explanations on it. 


2) If testing above, for Confirmed PO Delivery, if I switch to -Final Shipping Time Weeks, it did not push to Week 6 (2nd diagram).  Why is that so?









  • Hi Star,


    Can you please include a screenshot with your "Final Shipping Time Weeks" line item? It looks like you are comparing it to your "Shipping Time Weeks" line item in your screenshots, which has 1 as the value, but your Final line item might have some other value and this is what you are including in your formula. 

  • @smithevan18 

    Please refer to the details below:

        a)  Confirmed PO Delivery          = OFFSET(PO Submitted, -Final Shipping Time Weeks, 0)

        b)  Confirmed PO Delivery Test  = POST(PO Submitted, Final Shipping Time Weeks)

    With the above formulas, the results are as in Diagram 1.  Am trying to understand why Confirmed PO Delivery is in Week 6 instead of 7 or is it supposed to be in Week 6.  Essentially, am trying to understand the difference between OFFSET and POST.

    It will move to Week 7 if the formula is changed to OFFSET(PO Submitted, -Final Shipping Time Weeks - 1, 0) -> Diagram 2 









  • @Star 


    Apart from syntax diff that is OFFSET takes 3 parameters wheres POST takes only 2, the main difference is that POST function lets you add numbers in one cell whereas Offset can't do that.

  • @Star Exactly. You are bang on target

  • Hi,


    I am trying the formula "IF PO Submitted > 0 THEN POST(PO Submitted, Shipping Time Weeks) ELSE 0" for the confirmed PO delivery? However, the week3 value for confirmed PO delivery is not getting changed. can you please help me in this ?



  • Hi @smithevan18 


    I am trying to figure out if there is wrong in the below formula for Confirmed PO delivery. I am facing an issue where after applying the given formula, the desired value is not getting populated in the confirmed PO delivery line item.


    "IF PO Submitted = 1 THEN POST(PO Submitted, Shipping Time Weeks) ELSE 0"

  • Hi @Rakesh_24_7 


    You shouldn't need the conditional portion of that formula because the PO submitted line item is already taking into account whether or not you've submitted a PO. You are only trying to move the value in PO Submitted by your shipping time in weeks. 

    Hope that helps!