Error in display name for employee in 'SYS08 Employee Details' module



I am in the learning phase of L1MB now and facing error in 'SYS08 Employee Details' module where display name for employee #E2 employee is not converting into text format.  I have added 'Display Name' in Lists and rollups -> General Lists -> #E2 employees -> Chose drop-down Display Name Property to "Display Name". 

Please see attached image and guide me on how to resolve this error.

 Employee details not reflectingEmployee details not reflecting


  • Hi ,


    You need to import the employee details into SYS08 using code. Here, Match name with employee name in excel sheet.

    Then refer name lineitem in SYS08 module to Display name in Employee list.


    Hope this helps






  • @abhi1017 Thank you for the information. Actually Employee Names are missing from '#E2 Employees' List. I tried multiple time to delete all the employee names from the list and imported from the file but still no luck. Inserted properties "Display Name" for '#E2 Employees' List & changed Display Name property to 'Display Name' from Dropdown for General Lists.

  • The employee list imported is right.

    Read my previous post.

    Use SYS08 module to get the display name populated in the employee list. 




  • Got it Abhi. Thank you for your guidance.