KPI Card - Sparkline in NUX


 As per Anapedia, I should be able to add sparklines in NUX KPI cards. (Ref:

I am trying to do the same with a Time Period dimensioned line item, but I am unable to find the "Sparkline" option in the card. Not sure what am I  missing here? Please refer to the view below. I have Time as 1 of the 5 dimensions in the line item.

Has somebody used sparklines? Would appreciate any help on this.






  • Hi @amit.paul1 

    I don't think this is available yet. It was slated to be released but guess it is not done yet (even though instructions are there in community).

  • Hi @amit.paul1 

    This should be available now, there is a new menu on KPI card configuration and it is available under KPI tab. Screenshot below:

    Screenshot 2020-06-30 at 5.47.21 PM.png

  • It is there now.  But the Anapedia entry shows that the user should be able to select a color.  That doesn't seem to be available yet.