Integration- Anaplan Connect


Hi Community,


I have to integrate Anaplan model to the ERP System(SAP)  using Anaplan Connect.

The file generated from ERP system is accompanied by date and time stamp,run on daily basis.

Is there any option/solution wherein i can ignore the date and time stamp generated from ERP system and consider only the file name.?


Thanks in Advance.


Best Answers

  • nathan_rudman

    do you mean date and timestamp in the name of the file ?


    yes you can ignore that, but depends a lot on the system where you run AC.

    but you can use the bash placeholder *



    How to do that exactly is a bash question

  • anikdas
    Answer ✓


    Fortunately or unfortunately, I know which project this is for and I know the CS BP on the account is handling that with customer and you guys right now. This is for anyone who is also looking for similar solutions in future.

    P.S. You do need to move the file from source location once it is processed.


    @echo off
    rem This example loads a source text file and runs an Anaplan import into a module.
    rem For details of how to configure this script see doc\Anaplan Connect User Guide.doc
    set AnaplanUser=""
    set WorkspaceId="8a81b08e664b157b01669ceb5db46654"
    set ModelId="060195F8DCA84A428D646A612B3AA328"
    for %%F in (C:\Users\Anonymous\Documents\anaplan-connect\Data\DC_Demand*.csv) do set filename=%%F
    set Operation==-file "DC_Demand.csv" -put "%filename%"
    set Operation=-service "" -auth "" -file "DC Demand.csv" -put "%filename%" -import "Demand Import" -execute	
    rem *** End of settings - Do not edit below this line ***
    setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion || exit /b 1
    cd %~dp0
    Download and Setup
    Version 1.4.4 4 � Anaplan 2020
    if not %AnaplanUser% == "" set Credentials=-user %AnaplanUser%
    set Command=.\AnaplanClient.bat %Credentials% -workspace %WorkspaceId% -model %ModelId% %Operation%
    @echo %Command%
    cmd /c %Command%
    move C:\Users\Anonymous\Documents\anaplan-connect\Data\DC_Demand*.csv "C:\Users\Anonymous\Documents\anaplan-connect\Archive\"
