New UX Images Hosted in Imgur
Hi Community,
I have noticed that in the new demo applications that the images are being hosted on Is there a reference anywhere for these Icons. They look very clean and would like to know what is our there to leverage for dashboards.
In Anaplan to identify the image, image URL must begin with https://— and end with the image type PNG, JPG, JPEG, or GIF .
From Imgur app when the images gets uploaded in a personal Imgur profile and when it is shared to any means of portal , the image is shared with secured https:// and at the end any of the required format by the Anaplan as I mentioned above . Later these URL's are used in Anaplan (NewUX).
This has become a easy and efficient way to reproduce a Image with secured URL from Imgur . Before in classic dashboards Images were not widely used but in NewUX Images are needed then and there to be appealing .
Imgur is a handy app to reproduce images with https://— and end with the image type PNG, JPG, JPEG, or GIF .
Other than this there's no much particular reason that we are having the NewUX images gets uploaded in the Imgur . It is just a pre-process to get the Image URL .
Thank you.
Puneeth HP
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