Field is required in FORMS in New UX - only for Text format?



I want to have required fields in my form but seems I can only do so for fields (line items) that has Text format. Is this limitation the case? If so, what is the point of limiting the functionality in that way?


Best regards,


Best Answer

  • SandeepB
    Answer ✓


    Anaplan doesn't have native functionality to make some of the fields are required. However, you can leverage the KPI features as indicators on the screen.





  • @johan.marketoft 


    You can have a field for any formatted line item. However, you need to enable input in order to make it entry field.

    if you publish a formula-based line item it would be still shown. I don't see any limitations with this.

    let me know if you need any help.






  • Hi Sandeep,


    The line items are not formula-based. They are formatted on date, lists and number. I would like these to be required too but cannot do that as far as I can see? I know that I can have fields from line items with all kinds of formats in the Form. They are in the form so that is all good, but I want to do the required thing to them too and not only for Text-formatted line items.


    Best regards,


  • @johan.marketoft 


    I am afraid, I might have got it wrong.

    Do you mean to say the line item formatted other than text is not showing up on your page?





  • That is not what I am saying. I get all the line items up in the Form as fields. The second step is to make some of them required. I can do that for text-formatted line items / fields it seems, but I can't do that for the others (formatted number / date / lists etc). Is this a functionality that Anaplan does not have in Forms as of now? The ability to have a non-text formatted field to be required in a form?


    Best regards,


  • Ok got it, hopefully it comes at some point! Thanks for info.


    Best regards,


  • Meanwhile, You can always submit as a request under the Idea Exchange section.




  • I discovered the same today. Really annoying. Text fields can be made mandatory in forms but no other format. Have you checked with Anaplan about the reasoning behind this?




  • I odn't know the reasoning behind it. Found someone who put it on the Idea Exchange:


    Best regards,
