Order List Action


We can use "order list Action" to sort the list but the sorting is possible if line items are formatted by Number and Text.

Is there any way that we can sort the list by the line item which is formatted by date by using "Order list Action".


Kindly resolve this question soon.






  • Hi Shirisha,


    What you can do is create an additional line item which uses the RANK formula to assign a number to each date (see RANK formula info below)



    Once you have done that, you can leverage the number formatted line item in your "Order List" action (see screenshots below)







  • In a client model, we are bringing in the current date via anaplan connect every morning. They already were using a formula to calculate the difference between the current date and the date on the record which returns a number. If you happen to be bringing in the date it's an efficient formula. 

  • Hi Shirisha,


    We have now expanded the Order List Action functionality to allow users to order list by date and period formatted line items.


    I hope you find this enhancement useful!


    Best Regards,
