Help me choose a function for Anaplan Live!

Hi, everyone!Screen Shot 2020-11-23 at 2.44.30 PM.png

Join me on December 9 for Anaplan Live! The event has sessions for new learners and experts alike. In my live session, I'll be discussing the 5 foundational functions in Anaplan.

These are the most common functions and understanding them will allow you to start building and planning with Anaplan.

My request: I'd like to add a 6th surprise function that you would like to learn more about. Please leave a comment below telling me which function you'd like me to cover in the segment.

(If you haven't done so yet, register for the free event now! The live event is created with model builders, end-users, and new learners in mind.) See you there! 


  • A technical pick, but movingsum, in particular what can and cannot be put in those arguments, and if allowed the workarounds.