API to access list of Process Steps
I'm currently using the Anaplan Integration API to upload files and run processes containing imports. This all works great.
Currently if I want to run a process I need to be careful to upload all files associated with any imports it runs beforehand. What I'd like to do is to query the process I want to run and discover what import actions it runs. I can then query those to work out what files I should upload first.
I see I can get the current step of a running process, but I can't see how I can get a list of all steps that a process has. Is this possible?
Best Answer
In case it's useful, I figured out that once i got a process id for a given process I can query /processes/ProcessId to get the actions. I then query the list of imports to find the corresponding import details for any action that is an import, then I query files to get the info about the datasource:
var anaplanFiles = await client.GetJsonObjectAsync<FilesResponse>($"https://api.anaplan.com/2/0/workspaces/{WorkspaceId}/models/{ModelId}/files"); Console.Write($"Getting list of processes.{new string(' ', Console.WindowWidth)}".Substring(0, Console.WindowWidth - 1) + "\r"); // Get details of processes List<Process> anaplanProcesses = (await client.GetJsonObjectAsync<ProcessesResponse>($"https://api.anaplan.com/2/0/workspaces/{WorkspaceId}/models/{ModelId}/processes")).Processes; var processIdsByName = anaplanProcesses.ToDictionary(p => p.Name, p => p.Id); Console.Write($"Getting list of actions.{new string(' ', Console.WindowWidth)}".Substring(0, Console.WindowWidth - 1) + "\r"); var anaplanActions = (await client.GetJsonObjectAsync<ActionsResponse>($"https://api.anaplan.com/2/0/workspaces/{WorkspaceId}/models/{ModelId}/actions")).Actions; Console.Write($"Getting list of actions for each process.{new string(' ', Console.WindowWidth)}".Substring(0, Console.WindowWidth - 1) + "\r"); var processesActionsToRunTasks = ProcessesToRun .Select(async p => (await client.GetJsonObjectAsync<ProcessResponse>($"https://api.anaplan.com/2/0/workspaces/{WorkspaceId}/models/{ModelId}/processes/{processIdsByName[p]}")).ProcessMetadata.Actions).ToArray(); Task.WaitAll(processesActionsToRunTasks); var processesActionsToRun = processesActionsToRunTasks.SelectMany(t => t.Result).Where(a => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.ImportDataSourceId)); var usedFiles = processesActionsToRun.Select(a => anaplanFiles.Files.Single(f => f.Id == a.ImportDataSourceId)).ToArray();