Level 3 4.6.5 Sale Planning Model: DAT02 module
For the "4.6.5 Sale Planning Model: DAT02 module" step under Level 3, the data of Previous year is in a module having account flat and product flat.
however, it needs to be imported in DAT02 PY Revenue to CY module, which will have A2 Account>Product# list which is a numbered list. Any clue on how to do move data between these modules
Best Answers
Hi @Muphatak,
You can pull the data by using combinations of Lookups on the basis of SYS00 and SYS03 module line items. I have given you the hint.
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Hi @Muphatak ,
The formula that you are trying is correct. Make sure that you use single quotes for A1 Account in the formula. The formula should look like 'SYS02 Account Details'.Country[LOOKUP: 'A1 Account']. Also make sure that the G2 Country line item is list formatted.
I hope it helps.
Hi Anand,
Thanks for the solution. I am able to load the previous year revenue in DAT02 module.
Moving to next step in Level i.e. TAR01 Detailed Sale Target, would need to bring in country details in the SYS03 Account>Product Details module (line item G2 Country)
For populating the G2 Country line item in the SYS03 Account>Product Details, I am using the SYS02 Account Details'.Country module and using A1 Account in the lookup. However, it is giving me invalid formula (my formula: 'SYS02 Account Details'.Country[LOOKUP: A1 Account]. A1 Account is a pre-calculated line item in the starter model.
Any suggesstion will be helpful.
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Hi Anand,
Thanks for the reply. I have completed modeling for user story 1.7 to 1.10 i.e. TAR02 Account Review module.
I have uploaded the flat file having details on hold and override values, the Initial Sale Target value are matching Final Sale Target values, after allocating the difference due to override values (accounts retain the initial sale target which are marked as hold).
However, the individual distribution of values is not matching with the snapshot provided in 8.4 - check your build. Snapshots attached
1. The accounts which are marked as Hold or Override are matching for Final Sales Target
2. Total of Final Sale Target and Initial Account Sale Targets are matching
Any clues would be helpful
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I am having trouble with the formula in the DAT02 PY Revenue to CY module.
I wrote a formula following to Import Revenue FY19 into DAT02 PY Revenue to CY (dimensioned by A1 Accounts, P2 Products and Time Range)
'DAT01 PY Revenue'.Revenue[LOOKUP: 'SYS03 Account>Product Details'.'A1 Account', LOOKUP: 'SYS00 Time Settings'.PY Qtr]
Then I received a result following:
Seems to be aggregating at the account level for each product.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!
Best regards.