Level 2 Sprint 2 Exam


I passed my Level 2 Sprint 2 exam but I got 2 questions wrong that I really would like to know why I got them wrong.  I went back and looked at the videos and articles suggested but I still got the questions wrong. Who do I go to in order to get clarification? 



  • Misbah



    Do not post questions from the exam here..

    You can email academy@anaplan.com and seek clarfications about questions. What I can tell you is that most likely it boils down to naming convention of modules and line items or the best practice not followed.

    Good luck and congratulations on passing L2.

  • @Misbah 

    I know I agreed not to post anything regard the exam answers. I was just wondering how to get clarification.  I will email academy@anaplan.


    Thank you for the suggestion.

  • Misbah



    Yes that should be the ideal route, but if you want to have a quick chat you can DM me here and we will take a deep dive into it. Whatever works for you.