Level 3 4.6.3 SYS14 Module


So I was able to get the desired outcome but the formulas used are not as per the PLANUAL. I have created two system modules SYS04 (dimensioned by P2 Product) and SYS02 (dimensioned by A1 Accounts).
But when I try to use the formula SYS02 AccountDetails.Code & SYS04 ProductDetails.Code to use(Line item: CODE) , I get a blank thus i had to resort to referencing it directly from general lists. 

Can someone guide me how I can correct this?



  • @PranayG 


    Yes, it is to be sourced from respective SYS modules. Go to SYS02 Account Details module and SYS04 Product Details module and check the respective line items if they are populated with the formula and the data. If they have the data then it will flow to the target module.


    The way you have done will be considered as against Planual and you may be asked to correct it when you submit the blueprints at the time of SA certification.


