Internal Server Error while exporting data from view.


I want to export data from Anaplan view to Azure Synapse Analytics.
I have consulted Anaplan's API documentation.
I followed it to initiate a request and download all of the downloadable pages in sequence.


Due to the large amount of data in View, there are 156 pages available for download.
We ran the pipeline and after about 120 pages had been downloaded, an error occurred and the remaining pages could not be downloaded.
The error text is as follows

    "errorCode": "2200",
    "message": "ErrorCode=HttpRequestFailedWithServerError,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=Http request failed with server error, status code 500 InternalServerError, please check your activity settings and remote server issues.\nRequest URL:{workspaceID}/models/{modelID}/views/{viewID}/readRequests/{requestID}/pages/115.,Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.ClientLibrary,''Type=System.Net.WebException,Message=The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.,Source=System,'",
    "failureType": "UserError",
    "target": "copy_data_src2raw",
    "details": []

Access tokens are updated every 35 minutes.
Is this a pipeline run time issue?


[Authorization : AnaplanAuthToken ,{access_token}]

is set in the HTTP request header.






  • Is the refresh token loop setting the refreshTokenId back to the access_token?
  • Yes.
    After refreshing the access token, the value of access_token is also overwritten.
    I don't think it is a token issue, as I am still able to access the data after 35 minutes.