Level 1 Exam Time



I am getting close to taking the Level 1 Exam and was curious to know if there will be a time limit for this first exam? I just want to make sure I can plan my day for taking this test.  

Also, are there any lessons or resources that you would suggest I review again prior to taking this exam? 


Thank you! 


  • filip.sypniewski
    edited November 2022

    Hi @DYANG21,

    I would suggest that you plan around 1.5 - 2 hours for your Level 1 Exam. You will have to build few additional modules and load the data to answer the questions. There is no time limit though. Just make sure you do not let your session to time out. 

    If you followed Level 1 Course, you are go to go! Good luck! 

  • Irish
    edited November 2022

    what will happen if the session is closed?