Filtering Archived Models from Tableau Connector



In our implementation, client is using a Tableau Connector to refresh data from Anaplan. To refresh the data, client has to select three values from drop-down menus.

  1. Workspace
  2. Model
  3. Export

In the Model drop-down, all the archived models are also visible to the client. Is there a way we can restrict these archived models to be there in the drop-down. It's not an optimal experience for the Client, and hence, requesting any information on this.


Aakash Sachdeva


  • Aakash,

    I've let the Product Manager know. It appears the GET /models API call being used in the connector is returning archived models in addition to active models.

    Thanks for the request for enhancement.

  • Hi @ChrisStauffer ,

    Thanks for your answer. Does that mean, that for now there is no way to hide it? Also, Is this something that we can expect as an enhancement any time soon or if there is a workaround like removing Client's access from Archived Models?

    Is this a good idea to open a support ticket for this?


    Aakash Sachdeva

  • Aakash, would you please send me a note via email? :)

  • Hi @ChrisStauffer ,

    Have sent you note, kindly check and revert.


    Aakash Sachdeva

  • 👍️

  • @aakash / @ChrisStauffer - The GET /models is a general purpose API and returns all models, including Archived ones. The archived models are indicated with a flag, hence it should be possible for integration clients to filter out such models.

    The Anaplan connector for Tableau must be updated to apply this logic and hide Archived models. The connector is owned by Tableau. Please ask the client to open a Ticket with Tableau so their product/engineering can review and provide a roadmap for the change.