what is the PC of Inventory ?


What is the profit center of Inventory in SAP?


  • In SAP, the Profit Center of Inventory is the Profit Center to which the Inventory related transactions are assigned. It represents the segment of the organization responsible for managing the inventory and the associated costs and revenues.

    The Profit Center of Inventory can be assigned to various inventory transactions such as Goods Receipts, Goods Issues, and Stock Transfers. This allows for better tracking and analysis of inventory costs and revenues by profit center.

    In SAP, the Profit Center of Inventory can be set up by assigning a profit center to the valuation area in the Material Ledger. This ensures that inventory-related transactions are automatically assigned to the corresponding profit center. The profit center can also be assigned manually while creating or editing a material master record.

    Krowd Darden

  • There is no fixed profit center that is used for inventory in SAP. The profit center used for inventory management can vary depending on the organization's structure and management approach.

    In SAP, a profit center can be assigned to inventory by various means. One way is to assign a default profit center to inventory transactions through configuration settings. Another way is to assign a specific profit center to inventory transactions manually during the transaction entry process.

    It is also possible to use different profit centers for different types of inventory, such as raw materials versus finished goods, or for different locations where the inventory is stored or used.

    In summary, the profit center used for inventory in SAP can be flexible and can vary depending on the organization's needs and preferences.

    Could you turn to your SAP admin to ask about inventory PC that they use?

  • The "PC of Inventory" likely refers to the Profit Center of Inventory, which is a term used in accounting and finance to describe a method of tracking and analyzing inventory costs and revenues by profit center.

    In SAP, a popular enterprise resource planning software, the Profit Center of Inventory can be set up by assigning a profit center to the valuation area in the Material Ledger. This ensures that inventory-related transactions are automatically assigned to the corresponding profit center.

    By tracking inventory costs and revenues by profit center, companies can gain insights into the profitability of different areas of their business and make more informed decisions about inventory management and pricing strategies. The Profit Center of Inventory is just one of many tools and concepts used in accounting and finance to help businesses manage their finances and improve their bottom line.

  • marnusdavid
    edited September 2023

    The "PC of Inventory" most likely stands for "Profit Centre of Inventory," an accounting and finance term for a way of keeping tabs on and analysing inventory expenses and revenues according to profit centres.

    Assigning a profit centre to the Material Ledger's valuation area establishes a profit centre as the inventory's profit centre in SAP, a widely used enterprise resource planning system. That way, all financial dealings involving stock will be automatically attributed to the right profit centre.

    Businesses can learn more about the profitability of their various departments by breaking down inventory costs and revenues by profit centre. This allows for better pricing and management decisions. Accounting and finance employ a wide variety of techniques and concepts, including the Profit Centre of Inventory, to help firms manage their finances and increase their bottom line.