Import into DEM01 Module



I'm attempting to import Volume Growth Rates.csv. When mapping the time (column headers) on the file, I select Periods, but there is no Y-M or M-Y option. I assume something is messed up that I'm unaware of. Any feedback would be appreciated.


Sean O


  • Hi @seanomahoney


    Check the time scale of your DEM01 module. It looks like it is week, but it should be month. 


    Best regards,


  • Hey JussiLi,


    Change Time Scale to Month, but still seeing Y-W/W-Y. 

  • @seanomahoney


    Open DEM01 module and its blue print, and check that also line item has month as time scale. 


    Best regards, 


  • That was it...Thank you! 😀

  • Good to hear. Happy to help. 


  • Hello everyone!


    I got almost the same issue with the exception of my Time Scale is already set as "Month", but I still got a mistake.

    Do anybody have a suggestions what am I doing wrong?


  • Yes, the format is Y-M, the issue was that "the language for month names" was "Russian".
    But thank you anyway!
  • Thank you for posting this. My target module had all of the correct settings in blueprint mode. However, in the import box on the time tab, I was selecting the incorrect time radio button. The format is the Y-M! Such a relief.

    Thank you.

  • I tried this, but Anaplan says: "The custom format is not valid for this import"

  • When you put in YY-MMM under Custom fixed-position pattern, make sure to select Periods instead of Dates at the top. Hope this helps.

  • Time scale should be month for module & line item both.

    For Time tab in mapping, choose Periods --Y-M. That should let you import data.

    Hope this helps. thanks.

  • Error Screenshot - DEM01 - 01.JPGError Screenshot - DEM01 - 02.JPGError Screenshot - DEM01 - 03.JPGError Screenshot - DEM01 - 04.JPG

    Please check why the above error appears. Timescales are months throughout the module and line item, I have used custom time format YY-MMM in mapping Time for Input data. Please advise your suggestions on how to correct this error.

  • Follow up, 
    If the format is Jan 20, why is the time format YY-MMM? 
    That seems backwards. 

  • @MindyU 


    Because it is based on the source data, not the target.



  • Hey Thanks for sharing info it helped me a lot as i struck exactly at Time period, the i added manually as u shown.

  • This was really helpful - I feel like Anaplan training did not even go over custom date mapping when importing data. Not sure how we were expected to figure this out on our own. 

  • Its YY MMM not YY-MMM

  • KateZhang
    edited July 2023

    When map the source data into the timescale,
    we should chose the Periods and set Custom fixed-position pattern as YY-MMM.
    and watch out the options of Language for month names to be set as English, which is very important.

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