Level 1 exam - model building activity 2


I updated REV02 Volume Inputs Module to include a formula to pull data from the DATA02 SKU Volumes module and after I did that, the REV02 module returned all zeros.

I had imported the SKU Volumes.csv into the DATA02 module, so not sure why I would have all zeros.


  • AjayM

    Hi @RVB ,

    DAT02 module must be at 'P3 SKU' level while REV02 is at 'P2 Products' level (besides 'G3 location'). Since P2 is the parent of P3, you would want to check whether summary is ON in DAT02 or to use SUM function in REV02.


  • Hi @Misbah Can you give inputs on this. I am into the same situation. I am Getting the Zero value for Nutozar for US

  • Misbah

    @goutam10706394 Please verify what @AjayM has suggested. First step is to verify whether or not you have data in DAT02 module. If you see data populated in DAT02 then I would check the Summary on Volumes line item in DAT02. It has to be set as SUM.



  • Yeah @Misbah and thank you for responding. I have corrected it.