Facing issue in column separator

Hi everyone,

In the source we are using pipe to separate the columns .In anaplan i have created action using .csv file and now changing the column separator from import data source ans using "|" instead of column. For some data element this is working fine but in few in module i dont see any data. also when open the action its mapping is missing may be due to change in column separator.

has anyone faced this challenge before if yes please help me.

Thank you in advance


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Best Answer

  • Answer ✓

    @MadMon Have you updated the file in the Import Data Source with the new pipe-separated file? Initially, you might have created the action using a CSV file, but now that the separator has changed to pipe, you need to update the file with the same name but using the pipe separator.


  • @MadMon - Can you please share the mapping of the import data source and the import action?

    Also, just to check you have loaded the file in UTF-8 format only?

  • @MadMon

    Steps i would suggest following in this scenario:

    1. Check CSV File Formatting: Ensure consistent use of the pipe "|" as a delimiter, avoid trailing delimiters, and correctly enclose text in quotes. Opening the file in Excel with "|" as a delimiter should provide you a good visual interpretation of how data is looking and then notepad if there are any anomaly.
    2. Review Anaplan Import Configuration: Confirm delimiter settings, ensure header row accuracy, and re-verify field mappings in Anaplan.
    3. Test with a Sample File: Import a simplified CSV to isolate whether the issue is data-specific or a broader configuration error in Development environment would help. The problem persists recreating the import might be an option if not an option please continue to next step.
    4. Inspect Data Integrity: Search for misinterpreted special characters and verify the correct formatting of all data fields.
    5. Utilize Anaplan Support and Community: Reach out to Anaplan forums or support for further assistance if issues persist.

    Hope this helps!

  • Hi Everyone,

    Thanks for quick response.
    What i have learnt from this is:

    when you change the column separator using scripting it generates the text file which is working fine for some module (with changed separator) but not for every module.

    so i changed the file with the specific separator and now its working fine.


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